
This website is designed to be a pedagogical tool to help my Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic students (from Houston Baptist University and other institutions where I may teach adjunctively) gain proficiency in the biblical languages of the Old and New Testaments.  If you’re not one of them but have an interest in biblical languages, you are very welcome here!!   In fact, all who are interested in acquiring an ability to read the Sacred Text may avail themselves of the resources here, provided they follow all applicable copyright laws.  May God richly bless your studies and shed His light upon your path!

As I teach my Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic courses at Houston Baptist University, I will be uploading new things to the site to aid in language learning.  Please have a look around.  If you find anything among the materials that is inaccurate or contains typos, please let me know asap.

In the interest of full disclosure, this is not really a “blog” type of site where I write regular posts.  I am using it primarily to make language resources available to those who want to learn the biblical languages and read Sacred Scripture (although I reserve the right to post anything that interests me!).  I will from time to time create entries where I deal with certain grammatical issues, textual questions, or exegetical issues.  These will usually be driven by a desire to have students interact, sharpen their skills, and apply what they’re learning.  But you’re welcome to join in on a conversation if you are a gracious guest and want to stimulate the learning process.

Phillip Marshall

PS.  If you’re interested in our Biblical Languages degrees at HBU, please visit us here for the B.A. and here for the M.A.

[This website is owned by Dr. Phillip S. Marshall, Assistant Professor of Biblical Languages at Houston Baptist University in Houston, TX.]

27 thoughts on “About”

    1. Hi David. Yes, it is I. How in the world did you find me? I’ve been trying to hide from you for years! 😉 What a pleasure to hear from you. I assume you’re still in FL, no? Do let us know how things are going for you. You can email me at psmarshall[at]gmail[dot]com. Our love to the sweet “women” in your life.


  1. Hi Phillip. I am sure you were trying to hide from me too, but I found you! I am excited to see this blog – what a great idea. I appreciate your ministry and I remain a big fan of your personally!

    Jason Meyer
    Louisiana College

    1. Greetings Jason! What a surprise to see you here–a very welcome one indeed. I trust things at LC are going well for you. Please point people our way (HBU) if they’re looking for something to do after you guys teach them some Greek and Hebrew–I know of a MA in Biblical Languages I could tell them about. 🙂 BTW–the fandom is reciprocal. LC is very blessed to have you there. Do come to Houston for a visit some time–we have a spare guest bedroom that has your name on it.

  2. Dear Dr. Marshall,

    Thank you so much for this website. This is literally an answer to a prayer. I used Ross’ s Hebrew Introduction in the master level courses at Criswell under Dr. George Klein. (Actually when we used it it was just his Dallas seminary looseleaf pages) After school I did not really have need for the Greek and Hebrew so I did not continue to review and work with the languages. For several years now I have being reviewing both, but without an answer key to Ross I didn’t know if my translations were correct. This aid will tremendously help me as I seek to teach and preach more faithfully in an expositional manner.

    Jude 3

    1. Garry,

      I’m so glad that this will be helpful. It’s hard to know if you’re doing things right without a key, eh? May God bless your diligent labor in the Word, and in so doing, I know He will bless your people!

  3. Hello Phillip,

    I dual majored in Greek and Hebrew at Abilene Christian University – over 30 years ago. For lots of reasons hadn’t touched it since, and then I went to Israel… now I’m hoping to get back in the club!

    1. Hey Suzy,

      Welcome back to the language club! 😉 I hope you find things here helpful. Please feel free to join in on any discussions as they arise. Lord-willing, I’d like to post more thoughts about the bib. languages, but I’ve just been entirely too busy with my teaching schedule. Glad you came by for a visit!

  4. I am 66 years old and am attempting to understand Biblical Hebrew. Baker Books sent me an answer key CD to the Ross Grammar I have, but the CD will not play on my Dell computer with Windows Vista operating system. I am not a computer wizard. Any suggestions?
    Thank you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I’m afraid that I don’t know Vista well enough to know what the problem might be. You could try viewing the CD contents on another computer (perhaps one running XP) and saving the documents to a flash-drive, then transferring from the flash-drive to your hard drive. May God bless your efforts to immerse yourself in the Sacred Text!

  5. Thank you so much for making the answer keys to Ross’ Hebrew textbook available. I am currently an MDiv student at Princeton Theological Seminary and am using Ross’ book to prepare for a Hebrew competency exam. Your answer keys are a tremendous blessing! Again, Thanks!!

    1. Joel,

      I’m so glad to hear that you’ve found the materials helpful. May God bless your studies. Would you have met an Achitha John there at Princeton? She’s one of our HBU graduates in biblical languages (from 2009) who started graduate work there at Princeton Seminary this past year. I never got to teach her (since she finished most of her coursework before I began teaching at HBU), but she was one of our stellar students. Cheers!

  6. This website is incredibly helpful! I’m finishing my first year of self-study of Biblical Hebrew, and while textbooks abound, it has been a challenge to find good learning tools to supplement my study (I love charts!). The course handouts on this site are exactly what I was looking for… simple yet thorough, and they make verb conjugations finally seem manageable. 🙂 Thanks so much for making this available. Blessings!

  7. Hi Dr. Marshall,
    I’m interested in learning Biblical languages, but live overseas. Do have any suggestions for materials on self-study? I know it is certainly not ideal, especially with learning languages, but I’d like to start learning and would like to use resources that give a good start so I don’t have to relearn in the future.
    Treavor Nguyen

    1. Hi Treavor,

      Thanks for coming along on the fascinating ride toward biblical language proficiency. Unfortunately, I’m sorry to say that I can’t really speak much to self-study. If you try Bill Mounce’s Teknia website, you might find some useful materials for learning Greek with his grammar and online tools (there is some cost for some of the learning modules, and some material is free). If you are willing to use Ross’ Biblical Hebrew grammar, then head over to http://www.animatedhebrew.com to listen to lectures on the grammar by Charles Grebe–free. You’re always welcome to access my answer keys on my website as well. Blessings on you as your pursue such a worthy goal!

  8. Hi Sir Marshall,

    I just “discovered” your blog this morning.

    I have been praying and desiring to study the
    Biblical languages.

    Hope you will allow me to use the resources
    you are sharing in the blog.

    How and where do I start learning the basics?

    In Christ alone,

    1. Hi Ramir (you normally go by Mir?):

      Glad to see that you’ve found the blog and are excited about what we’re doing. Yes, please feel free to use the resources here that I’ve made available. There are some things that are password-protected because they are only for those who are enrolled in my courses at Houston Baptist University (and sometimes at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Houston), so you won’t be able to access those parts of the website.

      Of course, if you’re really intent on learning biblical languages and are willing to come to the States to study, you’re very welcome here at HBU! We right now have a woman from Poland who may come and study with us, as well as a recent inquiry from Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. If you’re intent on doing study on your own, I’d suggest that you click on my links to the right for Animated Hebrew (he provides some online lecture of basic Hebrew using Alan Ross’ Hebrew grammar as a basis) as well as Bill Mounce’s Teknia site for elementary Greek materials.

      Where in the Philippines are you from? Why are you interested in biblical languages?

      Phillip Marshall

  9. Dear Dr. Marshall: My name is Loren W. Hooker, Jr. I have an undergraduate degree in Christian Education from Asbury College in Wilmore, Ky. I was raised a conservative Methodist but have been a Baptist for many years. I made the “mistake” of studying the Bible too much. I had two formal years of study in N.T. Greek in college, class of 1969. I have had no formal training in Hebrew. Thirty-three years ago I started studying the Greek N.T. via the “dive in and swim” method. In 1992, when I felt I had enough proficiency in Greek to finally attempt Hebrew, I began my study of the Hebrew O.T. by the same method. I now read the Greek N.T. without the aid of a dictionary, except to check an occasional word more carefully. I read the Hebrew O.T. now with near the same proficiency, with the aid of an English Bible as “training wheels”. For several years I have averaged reading the Bible in the original languages between two and three times a year. I hope you will let me interact with and learn from you on this site if I should choose to do so in the future. Yours in the blessed hope. Loren W. Hooker, Jr.

    1. Hi Loren,

      You are very welcome here. I am so busy with teaching and admin duties that I don’t often post many things, but when I do, I would welcome your feedback. Glad to know that you made the “mistake” of studying the Bible too much!

      Warmest wishes!
      Phillip Marshall

  10. I teach at Uganda Baptist Seminary in East Africa. I’m dusting off my MDiv Hebrew notes (Ross based) from my 1.5 years of Hebrew study and this site has already been a great help to me. I hope to continue my formal education in OT and will need to regain language proficiency before I go back to do so. We’re also leaning toward an intro Hebrew course here as well (we already offer Greek). I’m the only faculty member out here that likes languages (esp. Hebrew) so that will probably be mine :-).
    Thank you for the work you’ve put in here. I taught repeated intro Statistics courses at Miami U of Ohio for a few years (long story) and know first hand the time required to create the handouts, answer keys etc. and then put them online in an orderly and user-friendly format. Very well done, thank you so much for sharing your time and effort. Many are being helped here beyond your enrolled students. It was worth the investment!

    1. Thanks for your note, Aaron! My heart is always full when I hear that brothers and sisters have benefited from things here. So thank you for letting me know. Do let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. I wish you the Lord’s blessings as you review and proceed to more advanced studies! Merry Christmas!

  11. Dear Dr. Phillip Marshall
    Thank you for this hard work which is very usefull for whom wants to study biblical languages. I am teaching New Testament exegesis at a B.A and M.A level in Logos University in Burkina Faso (West Africa). God Bless you very much.

  12. I don’t have money for courses now,but God has made a way through you. I am one of
    your students, making use of this website and your YouTube channel to learn Biblical
    Hebrew. You are simply the best sir. May YHWH keep you in perfect Shalom

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Promoting the study of Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Aramaic, and Hellenistic Greek